Tuesday, September 18, 2012

mayonnaise pasta

I personally think mayonnaise goes well with pasta. But my husband doesn't like the combination. So I usually make this dish to treat myself once in a while. :) It's definitely on my Top 10 comfort food list. If you like mayonnaise (I prefer Japanese mayonnaise to American one) and pasta, you should definitely try this recipe! 


Pasta - your favorite kind (for 2 people/2 cups dry)
Japanese mayonnaise - 1/2 cup (yes, it's a generous amount!)

Bacon - 2 slices (sliced) **see TIPS
Salmon - 1/2 cup (sliced)
Diced Tomato in can - 1/2 cup

Salt & pepper - pinch
Any of your favorite herbs - 1 tsp (I like parsley in mine)


  1. Cut bacon and salmon, set it aside.


  1. Cook pasta according to package instruction. 
  2. While pasta is cooking, fry bacon in a frying pan.
  3. Add in salmon and let it cook for 2 minutes. 
  4. Add in diced tomatoes, salt, pepper and herb. Cook until bacon is cooked.
  5. Drain water from pasta and toss them in the frying pan (or you can do the opposite - put bacon mixture in a pot with pasta).
  6. Add in mayonnaise and mix well. Adjust taste to your liking. 


  1. All the good stuff in a bowl! Mayonnaise-goodness. :)


  • You can add any meat you want - I just happened to have bacon and salmon in the fridge. 

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